How to Install Mac OS X on a PC (Without Using a Mac)
Great progress has been made in hacking PCs to run OS X, and it is now possible to install Mac OS X without a Mac . Thanks to some great tools put together by some brilliant hackers, it is also much easier and does not involve nearly as much time and effort as was once required. Step 1: Getting The Hardware Ready I recently purchased the following set of hardware for the purposes of building a Hackintosh (often PCs running Mac OS X are referred to as such): Intel Core i3-530 Clarkdale 2.93GHz Gigabyte GA-H55M-USB3 Motherboard 4 GB DDR3 1333 RAM (2 x 2GB) DVD Burner MicroATX Computer Case 585 Watt Power Supply 4-pin to 8-pin Power Adapter The motherboard has an 8-pin power connector on it, and although it is possible to connect a single 4-pin connector to it, you may encounter odd issues running with just a single 4-pin connector. To ensure that you provide sufficient power to the board, you should purchase the 4-pin to 8-pin power adapter. Alternatively, you could...